Here you will find all the latest specials, discounts, promotions and coupons.

Birthday / Party & Corporate Special

wantec VR offers multiple different packages and rates for any event or celebration type.

Booking a Birthday / Party or Corporate Special requires at least 3 days lead time. If you would like to book a special earlier, please contact our service team.

Birthday / Party Special – Bundle 1

Total duration: 2 hours

Included game sessions:
2x Anvio VR Arena Session + 2x arvi VR Games Session + 1x RaceRoom Session

Maximum players per game session:
Anvio VR Arena = 6 / arvi VR Games = 2 / RaceRoom = 10

8 reserved seats included

Recommended for a group of 6 to 10 people

(Regular Sales Price Mon-Thu: $652.40 / Fri-Sun: $732.40)

This Birthday / Party Special Bundle includes 8 reserved seats for you. Please note that the Bar and the complete seating area is only included in the Corporate Special.


Birthday / Party Special – Bundle 2

Total duration: 3.5 hours

Included game sessions:
3x Anvio VR Arena Session + 3x arvi VR Games Session + 2x RaceRoom Session

Maximum players per game session:
Anvio VR Arena = 6 / arvi VR Games = 2 / RaceRoom = 10

16 reserved seats included

Recommended for a group of 11 to 20 people

(Regular Sales Price Mon-Thu: $1073.60 / Fri-Sun: $1193.60)

This Birthday / Party Special Bundle includes 16 reserved seats for you. Please note that the Bar and the complete seating area is only included in the Corporate Special.


Corporate Special – Complete Building

Minimum duration: 2 hours

The Corporate Special Bundle includes:

    • Anvio VR Arena (up to 6 Players per Game)
    • arvi VR Games (up to 2 Players per Game)
    • RaceRoom (with 10 Simulators)

Catering on demand.

For a maximum of 40 participants.

2 hours duration: $349.50 per hour
From 3 hours duration: only $299.00 per hour


If you book 3 or more hours, you save $50.50 per hour!


RaceRoom Complete Special

Book 10 simulators for 1 hour at the special price of $120.00 (Monday to Friday).
(This offer is only valid for groups of 10 people and may not be combined with other discounts and promotions. Otherwise the not allowed discount has to be additional paid in our location.)


Note: This offer is only valid for groups of 10 people and may not be combined with other discounts and promotions. Otherwise the not allowed discount has to be additional paid in our location.